ISSN: 2657-800X
2023, t. 6, nr 2 (12), poz. 29
2023, vol. 6, No. 2 (12), item. 29
wyświetleń: 372 |

Ihor Zemanschool

Ludwik Ehrlich and the Lviv (Lwów) International Law School in the Interwar Period


In the second half of the nineteenth century the development of international law studies at Lviv University[1] was strongly linked to its teaching. Gustaw Roszkowski (1847-1915), a Polish lawyer, started teaching and researching international law at Lviv in the late 1870s. Another prominent scholar working in this filed at the turn of the 20th century was the Polish lawyer Zygmunt Cybichowski (1879-1946). Professor Roszkowski was a member of the Institute of International Law[2] whose academic interests lay in the theory of international law, diplomatic and consular law, international humanitarian law and law of international organizations[3]. His successor, Professor Cybichowski published the textbook on international law as well as a monograph on international humanitarian law at Lviv University. The two academics held fundamentally opposing views on a number of issues. Roszkowski was a supporter of pacifism and defended the idea of absolute rejection of war[4]. Cybichowski, a militarist, justified the waging of war, emphasizing that this action was a basic element of the progress of humankind[5]. At the same time, though, both scholars advocated the application of international legal norms to regulate the laws and customs of warfare[6].

In the period between the two world wars after the university’s reorganization, the study of international law there was well regarded and had its famous representatives. Professor Ludwik Ehrlich (1889−1968) and group of research fellows of his department took charge of scientific study and organization of educational activity in international law.

I wish to focus on three issues of the Ehrlich’s contribution to the development of international law studies at Lviv University in the interwar period. Firstly I will draw up the formation of Ehrlich’s legal views. Secondly I will try to argue Ehrlich’s impact on legal education at law faculty. Thirdly I am going to concern upon Ehrlich’s contribution to development of division of diplomatic studies at Lviv University.




[1] Lviv University, founded in 1661 as Jesuit Collegium in Lwów, was known as Joseph II University in Lemberg (1784-1817), Franz-Joseph I University in Lemberg (1817-1919) and Jan Kazimierz University in Lwów (1919-1939). After the Revolutions of 1848, Vienna declared Polish and Ruthenian (Ukrainian) the official languages but some years later only Polish remained the official language, and Ruthenian and German were auxiliary. In 1940 the university officially became the Ivan Franko University of Lviv.

[2] Ludwik Ehrlich, Stefan Jerzy Langrod, Zarys historii nauki prawa narodow, politycznego i administracijnego w Polsce (Kraków, 1949), 16.

[3] Ihor Zeman, Nauka mizhnarodnoho prawa u Lvivskomu universyteti (LNU imeni I. Franka, Lviv, 2015), 27.

[4] Gustaw Roszkowski, O pogladah Moltkego na Prawo Wojny (Nakładem Redakcji “Dziennika polskiego”, Lwów, 1881), 31.

[5] Zygmunt Cybichowski, Międzynarodowe prawo wojenne (Nakładem Gubrynowicza i syna, Lwów, 1914), 4.

[6] Zeman, op.cit. note 3, 86.