2019, t. 2, nr 1 (3), poz. 12
2019, Vol 2, No 1 (3), item. 12
Evolution of the authority of a criminal judge. Reform of the criminal law in the context of individual’s position towards the collectivity (Ewolucja władzy sędziego karnego. Reforma prawa karnego na
Reprint of one of Rafał Lemkin’s article from 1933 concerns an issue of the creation and evolution of the authority of a coroner and, more broadly, of a judge. This article was published by Lemkin in the monthly “Palestra”. Not long after that he published a book entitled Sędzia w obliczu nowoczesnego prawa karnego i kryminologii (Judge in the face of the modern criminal law and criminology) (Institute of Criminology Press, Free University of Poland). This article is redacted with a small interference into the original text.
Keywords: Raphael Lemkin, court, judge, judiciary, evolution of the judiciary
This article is published in Polish