ISSN: 2657-800X
2020, t. 3, nr 1 (5), poz. 9
2020, Vol. 3, No. 1 (5), item. 9
views: 1116 |

Patryk Gackaschool

Review of case of law of the International Criminal Court (4)

In the review of case law of the International Criminal Court from December 2019 to March 2020, three decisions of the ICC Appeals Chamber are being examined. The first one refers to a particularly disputable issue of the authorization of an investigation in the situation of Afghanistan. The next two concern the case of Al Hassan (“gravity of crime” criterion in art. 17 ICCSt.) and the case of Saif Gaddafi (judgment of a domestic court, amnesty versus case admissibility before the ICC).


Keywords: International Criminal Court, Afghanistan, amnesty, gravity


This article is published in Polish