ISSN: 2657-800X
2019, t. 2, nr 2 (4), poz. 33
2019, Vol 2, No 2 (4), item. 33
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Julian J. Bąkowskischool, Wojciech Berger

When an attorney doesn’t have to explain the meaning of his existence. Alan Dershowitz’s “Letters to a Young Lawyer”

Alan Dershowitz is one of the most distinguished American advocates and, at the same time, one of the most controversial law professors at Harvard University. He wrote a very popular book addressed to a young lawyer in the form of letters. It contains several advices and tips. For the Polish reader, the part about the proper choice of father figuers will be of special value. Therein, he indicates who has played such a role in his life. It has been Jan Karski, a Polish national hero, who informed the world about the Holocaust and who, as a delegate of the Polish Government in London, appealed for help for the Polish Jews. Some of Dershowitz’s advices can sometimes be surprising to the reader, but undoubtedly they form basis for further reflection.

Keywords: attorney, barrister, counsel, code of professional conduct, the Bar in the United States, Alan Dershowitz, Jan Karski



This article is published in Polish.