2021, t. 4, nr 1 (7), poz. 10
2021, Vol. 4, No. 1 (7), item. 10
Independence of the court and its guarantees
An important voice in the discussion on the judicial system in the Second Polish Republic. Professor Waśkowski referrs to discussions that were present in the legal press in 1924, pointing to significant shortcomings of the discussion. Based on a broad comparative and historical analysis, he points out that in the future regulation of the judiciary, independence of the judge should be guaranteed and the judiciary should be unambiguously cut off from the administration. At the same time, he emphasizes the need for fundamental guarantees of independence, and above all, irremovability and a decent remuneration.
Key concepts: judiciary, judicial independence, appointment of judges, judicial system of the Second Polish Republic
This article is published in Polish