ISSN: 2657-800X
2020, t. 3, nr 2 (6), poz. 27
2020, Vol. 3, No. 2 (6), item. 27
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Maurycy Allerhandschool

The relation of state law to religious law

This time Professor Maurycy Allerhand reflects on the relationship between the law of religious denominations and state law, pointing to essential elements of coexistence and the mutual impact of both legal orders, in particular in the area of civil law. He also notices that there are spheres of regulation which are left beyond the state legislator’s activity. Some of his reflections have a historical value, but many of them remain relevant also today. The article features only a slightly modernized spelling.

Keywords: Maurycy Allerhand; the law of religious denominations and associations; religious law; the legal system of the Second Polish Republic.

This article is published in Polish