ISSN: 2657-800X
2020, t. 3, nr 2 (6), poz. 34
2020, Vol. 3, No. 2 (6), item. 34
views: 767 |
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Maciej Jońcaschool

Pater semper incertus

The essay is devoted to an important and current issue of contemporary law, namely the area of legal presumptions: the appearance of the concept in medieval canon law and its consolidation in the following centuries. Then the paper focuses on the presumption of paternity, referring to Roman roots and exceptions to the rule. A separate issue is a copy of Digestum Vetus from the 12th and 13th centuries, kept in the National Library in Kórnik, and an illustration of Ulpian's statement in the text, which is also an illustration of everyday life in the Middle Ages.

Keywords: family law, canon law, Roman law, history of law, presumptions, presumption of paternity, Digestum Vetus.

This article is published in Polish