2020, t. 3, nr 1 (5), poz. 17
2020, Vol. 3, No. 1 (5), item. 17
views: 961 |
Dr Szymon Feldblum - a lawyer from Krakow, social activist and a Zionist
A short biographical note devoted to Szymon Feldblum, one of the most prominent Krakow lawyers of the interwar period, coming from a family of assimilated Polish Jews. His ancestors fought in the January Uprising and belonged to assimilationists. Szymon Feldblum took over the office of Ludwik Szaley and ran it at St. John’s Street 3 to World War II. He was an active activist in the Zionist movement and B'nei B'rith. In the fall of 1939, he and his family arrived in Vilnius. Thanks to help of the Japanese consul in Lithuania, Sempo Sugihara – who had saved several thousand Polish and Lithuanian Jews – he left for Moscow and then for Palestine. In the state of Israel established in 1948, he acted as a lawyer and organizer of social assistance on behalf of the government.
Keywords: Krakow bar, Polish Zionists, B'nei B'rith, Ludwik Szalay, Sempo (Chiune) Sugihara, Krakow, Israel.
This article is published in Polish.