ISSN: 2657-800X
2020, t. 3, nr 1 (5), poz. 12
2020, Vol. 3, No. 1 (5), item. 12
views: 964 |

Szymon Rundsteinschool

In Search of the Civil Law (excerpt)

The book, fragments of which we recall here, was written almost on the eve of an outbreak of World War II. It was published in 1939 as volume 14 of the series "Library of Legal and Political Skills" edited by the Artur Miller, Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, and by Stanisław Tylbor, an attorney-at-law. It was published by the Powszechna Bookshop.

The book features a very mature lecture on law and on the idea of law in the face of the threats posed by totalitarian doctrines. We reprint three short chapters out of the fourteen that make up the book: Chapter I and Chapters VI and VII.

Szymon Rundstein will be introduced in the next installment of the "Lexicon of Jurists and Economists".

Keywords: Szymon Rundstein, civil law, law in totalitarian states, individual rights.

This article is published in Polish.