2019, t. 2, nr 1 (3), poz. 13
2019, Vol 2, No 1 (3), item. 13
For the good of the Polish Bar (O dobro adwokatury polskiej)
Reprint of the lecture delivered by Professor Allerhand in the name of the Commission of Codification of the Republic of Poland, Faculty of Law of the Jan Kazimierz University in Lwów and the Bar association during the Congress of Legal Apprentices in 1929. In the article, he raised issues related to the path to the barrister’s profession, education of lawyers and professional ethics. The paper was previously published in 1929 in “Młoda Palestra”, a magazine of legal apprentices from the post-Austrian district.
Keywords: Bar in the II Republic of Poland, legal apprentices in the II Republic of Poland, code of ethics for barristers, legal education, Maurycy Allerhand
This article is published in Polish