ISSN: 2657-800X
2018, t. 1, nr 1-2, poz. 12
2018, Vol. 1, No 1-2, item. 12
views: 1065 |
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Review: Tomasz Snarski, Debata Hart – Fuller i jej znaczenie dla filozofii prawa [Hart-Fuller debate and its relevance for the philosophy of law], Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2018, pp.

This is a review of the book which was published on the basis of a doctoral thesis of barrister dr. Tomasz Snarski. Attention has been drawn to the significance of the debate which began in 1958 together with the publication of a lecture by an English lawyer Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992)  in the “Harvard Law Review”. The article met with a response from  an American legal philosopher Lon Luvois Fuller (1902-1978). The debate concerned the principles of law, boundaries of positive law and its relation to the natural law.

: Natural law, positive law, debate Hart-Fuller

This article is published in Polish