ISSN: 2657-800X
2018, t. 1, nr 1-2, poz. 6
2018, Vol. 1, No 1-2, item. 6
views: 1046 |
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Paweł Księżakschool

Farmer as a creator: copyright protection of the work of agricultural art

Under Polish law, a piece of work is any manifestation of creative activity of individual nature, established in any form, regardless of its value, purpose and manner of expression. The author of a piece of work is entitled to copyright. The subject matter of copyright is similarly defined in many countries. As a rule, agricultural activity (i.e., primarily animal husbandry and plant cultivation) is not creative in nature, but constitutes a set of typical, repetitive activities. However, in certain cases, such as with small agritourism farms, the farmer's activity may be of individual and creative nature. This may involve, for example, appropriate landscaping or creating a unique farm with historically accurate design. Such creative activity may be protected by copyright.

: farmer as a creator, agricultural art, work, agricultural farm.

This article is published in Polish